Thursday, June 25, 2009


Washing your hair is essential, for personal hygiene.

When you wash your hair you are preventing Dan draft, head lice, oil and the build up of dirt and germs.
Many people do not like washing there hair they believe it is a waste of time and its not important. But washing your hair has many benefits.
Imagine having a photo taken, it may have been for school or a family photo. You get up have your photo taken. A couple of weeks later you see the photo and there is you with you dirty hair. Then you wished you had washed you hair that day.
Washing your hair has many other advantages unlike skipping it. Some shampoos also strengthen hair as well as cleaning it. Also conditioner helps keep the hair smooth and silky.
Washing your hair is essential everyday. This makes washing your hair one of the most important roles of personal hygiene

Christian Nepia

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